Friday, April 17, 2009


On Thursday after Alex's game Luke took Brinley to the Snack Shack to get a snow cone & she was begging through the whole game for some FunDip, so he got her some. When we got home I got the kids ready for bed then Brinley wanted her candy. First of all I hate this candy. It's messy and you have to cut them apart and cut out the dip stick to eat it, I just hate it. So I started cutting and Chesnie was sitting on my lap and it was dark. I missed the middle and cut into the candy and it went all over Chesnie. It was in her eye, ear, mouth, just all over! I felt so bad, but Brinley & I just sat there and laughed. I just had to take a picture. It was funny cause Chesnie didn't cry or anything, all she did was say mmm, nummm! It was really funny!!!Poor Baby she had a watery eye, so the fun dip got sticky under her eye!!
What a sweetie!!


nicole said...

Oh My Gosh! That is too funny! She is adorable :o) I think you meant to say she had a watery eye, and not a watery ear! You are funny! Have a good weekend!

marcie said...

So did Brinley lick the candy stick and dip it into the candy on Chesnie??? Too funny!

Cedar said...

That is to funny! I love that it is in her ear, nice shot mom! It should be called dumb dip, not fun dip.

Brandi said...

I try to convince my kids not to get fun-dip. It really never works they love that stuff. Too funny..

Nikki said...

Me and Adam are laughing sooo hard. That is hilarious, poor little thing looks so cute that color, I'm glad she didn't cry.

Julie said...

Thank you bare with me on getting back to you! Thank you for the message. I'm afraid I'm going to hit the wrong button and lose all of Nicole's hard work! Dave and I are doing well working and I've started this new thing working out I'm only day one it to it and I am not liking it but, I know it will be good for me! Miss you and love you all!